"To Make the Modern City Livable is the Task of Our Times."


Current Activities

A New Path Forward for Lighthouse Landing and the Jens Jensen Gardens

In October, 2024, the Evanston City Council voted to proceed with a development agreement for the Mansion and grounds with Celadon. The Celadon proposal featured support for Jens Jensen Gardens in Evanston, our stewardship of the grounds, and our vision for the Coach House as The Lighthouse Center for Native Habitat. View the Evanston Roundtable article about the Celadon and JJGE proposal here.

An Expanded Vision: The Lighthouse Center for Native HabitatI

The Jens Jensen Landscape and the Coach House and attached greenhouse at Lighthouse Park will become the Lighthouse Center for Native Habitat—dedicated to the propagation of natural landscapes and the natural knowledge required to maintain them. Volunteers trained in the Center’s Stewardship Development Program will help churches, schools, and other private institutions throughout Evanston to establish ecological landscapes on their properties with ongoing support from the Stewardship Development Program. The Center will leverage the resources of organizations and institutions to create and fund ecological landscapes on their grounds by helping some of their members become stewards, and by serving as a repository for shared tools, materials, and technical support as needed. 
Read more about this vision here.

Saturday Open Houses

Every Saturday at 10am we welcome all community members and supporters to an open house at the coach house and greenhouse, located at 2603 Sheridan Road in Evanston. There will be speakers and program activities that support our mission. Anyone can come and learn, hang out or work in the greenhouse or gardens. If you are truly interested and invested in being a leader in the urban habitat restoration movement, be a presenter, be a contributor, be a learner, be a doer. If you are interested in being a presenter, please send an email to Charles Smith.

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